style icon | rachel zoe vs taylor jacobson


So like I said before I love watching reality tv and I get inspired by The Rachel Zoe Project on Bravo! I was so sad because I hadn't heard anything of a third season but I just stumbled upon this! After watching her show you see that Zoe is obsessed with shopping and clothes and actually wears everything in her closet. You rarely see her repeat an outfit, something I am trying to work on myself. Always feel like you have a closet of clothes and nothing to wear? Haha. From vintage dress, fur vests, to her wide-leg jeans and 6 inch heels, she always looks so polished.
Her former "styling associate", Taylor Jacobson, also has inspirational personal style. Tay, as Rachel called her, has a very rocker wardrobe mixed with black, leather, an occasional plaid, maybe a frilly dress with a motorcycle jacket. She looks so effortlessly cool and chic, especially while wearing her Ray Bans, a staple. If The Rachel Zoe Project returns for a third season, Taylor won't be on the show (her and Rachel went separate ways very soon after the finale) so I get my Tay fix by reading her blog! Both Rachel and Taylor's personal style inspires me and I definitely can't choose whose closet I would rather raid...
w i t h ♥ little pink bow
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